What happens to your body if you stop smoking and drink alcohol


It is very easy to get used to such an addiction as smoking due to a large amount of nicotine that gets into our lungs during this process. Thus, in the first place, our nervous system suffers. From the very first puff, a shortage of oxygen by the body begins, which blocks full brain activity and impairs memory.

But what happens to our body after quitting smoking? He begins to cleanse himself instantly! Yes, on the first day, all organs begin to regenerate, and processes recover. Therefore, five weeks is enough to finally quit smoking and feel good.

First of all, the work of the lungs is activated - after all, there will no longer be an oxygen deficiency. Each cell of the body will become more active, due to which your reaction will instantly improve and thought processes will accelerate.

Due to the decrease in negative effects on the nervous system, you will immediately feel a surge of energy and self-confidence. You will lose your problems on all women's issues because immediately after quitting smoking, the hormonal levels in women are equalized. The distribution of problem areas of the body is also regulated, cellulite is reduced.

External indicators are also a positive factor - bad breath disappears, the smell of cigarettes becomes less noticeable on clothes, hands, hair. The skin gradually begins to acquire its natural smell. The teeth become much lighter, a plaque from the tongue disappears.

By quitting smoking, you completely get rid of the problem of shortness of breath and now you know exactly when you get sick because the smoker's cough is also absent. Constant pressure on the head disappears, as a result of which headaches and nausea receded.
After a couple of weeks, the condition of the skin throughout the body will improve significantly, and especially on the face. Its dull color will disappear, bags under the eyes, acne, and rashes in general, the skin will become elastic, the face will tighten. Hair will stop falling out, become thicker, get its natural shine, brittleness, and dryness will disappear. The nails will also become stronger, will not break and cease to be soft.

Do not forget about bonuses such as extra time and finances, which previously you spent only on the deterioration of your appearance and well-being.

The female body is very keen on both positive and negative changes. Therefore, you should quit smoking at least to look at your age or even younger!


Alcohol has long become a habit for almost every person. It is an outlet after a hard day's work and a reason for joy on the weekend. Thus, drinking several cocktails always go alongside any events in our life - good or bad.

But you just have to abandon this addiction for at least some time, and you will feel significant changes in the body.

First of all, you will lose weight very much. There is a lot of sugar in alcohol and the stronger it is, the more calories it has in its composition. It will become easier for you to distinguish the puffiness of the body from real fat. Your body will almost immediately get rid of excess toxins and blue bags under the eyes. Another reason for the sharp weight loss when you abandon this habit will be that you will eat less. Under a degree, our will power is greatly softened, so we can not resist harmful snacks while gaining extra pounds.

After two weeks, you can already track serious changes in the body. You may notice that headaches, irritability, and shortness of breath disappear. The mood stabilized and it became easier for you to wake up.

After 3-4 weeks, teeth begin to whiten, edema completely leaves your body, hormonal levels normalize.

If you give up alcohol, your name system will be able to work to its fullest. Every day the level of anxiety and irritability decreases more and more.

But significant functions of organs can only be restored one year after giving up bad habits. Your kidneys, liver, and pancreas will be able to work at full capacity without overloading other organs during their functioning.

If you are not ready to give up an addiction, try to at least minimize the dose. To begin, cross out the use of alcohol during workdays. Then after the first week, you will feel that waking up in the mornings is much easier, and tasks are completed much faster.

After a couple of weeks of this regimen, your hair and nails will start behaving in a completely different way. Hair will become thick and shiny, and nails will become stronger. A separate story will happen with your skin - due to the lack of snacks and ethyl alcohol, acne and skin rashes will soon disappear.

There are no negative consequences of quitting alcohol. Therefore, you should experiment with this in order to independently feel how beautiful you can feel every day!

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